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Meet LEO

Principal Broker
As the Principal Broker for Vasquez Real Estate Group Inc, Leo Vasquez has staked his claim as a Real Estate professional who is committed to his client’s success. His passion for Real Estate is evident in the personalized service he offers each of his clients. With 18 years of Real Estate experience, Leo has found his career of helping people achieve their home-buying goals to be incredibly rewarding. In his very first year working in Real Estate alone, he did 3 million in sales! He has certainly earned his spot in the Million Dollar Club! One of Leo’s most memorable success stories includes finding a home for a client who was less than confident she would find a satisfactory property in her price range.
His diligence and patience paid off! He was able to help her purchase the perfect home slightly under budget! This is just one example proving his stellar negotiation skills and perseverance. Leo has always been a hard worker. After coming to the US from the Dominican Republic when he was 14 years old, he served 9 years in the US Navy. In his spare time, he enjoys: reading, working out, learning more about finance, and spending quality time with his three beautiful children. To experience custom client care and ensure your Real Estate goals are achieved, contact Leo Vasquez today! He can be reached directly at (757) 779-0528. His office number is: (757) 689-1717.

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Vasquez Real Estate Group is equipped to provide clients with experienced representation and personalized professional service. To experience custom client care and ensure your Real Estate goals are achieved, contact us today!

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